baby blankets
Kid Lifestyle

How Do I Cover My Newborn At Night?

The transition to sleeping through the night can be a stressful time for parents, especially if their baby’s room isn’t well-suited to making them as comfortable as possible. Luckily, you don’t have to give up on your baby’s comfort just because they aren’t in your arms all night long. In fact, you can use some clever ways to make sure your baby sleeps safely and comfortably all night long—here are four of the most effective methods.

The best blankets to use

Having a baby is one of life’s most wonderful experiences. But, some things can be a little daunting for new parents. This can especially be true when it comes to keeping your baby warm and safe at night. What blanket do you use to cover your newborn at night? These blankets should not interfere with safe sleep practices or cause suffocation risks but will still be effective at keeping your baby warm. The three best kinds of blankets to use on a newborn are swaddling blankets, receiving blankets and lightweight muslin swaddle cloths. Swaddling blankets come in a variety of sizes and styles and are ideal for swaddling your baby after they have been born as well as covering them while they sleep. Receiving blankets are great because they come in many different colors, patterns, and materials which means you can find something that matches just about any nursery decor theme out there. Lightweight muslin swaddle cloths tend to be thin but very soft so they make excellent layers underneath other heavier covers or by themselves during warmer months.

The best sleep sacks to use

Sleepsacks are becoming a popular, safe alternative to loose blankets in baby’s bed. Some studies suggest that when parents regularly drape loose blankets over their babies—even when they aren’t covering their faces—they are at a higher risk of suffocation and SIDS. In other words, avoid using extra layers to cover your newborn at night. When you do put your baby down for a nap or nighttime sleep, though, it’s important to remember not to leave them uncovered; use a sleep sack instead. Fitted, not loose pajamas, help to keep your baby cozy and warm (without overheating), ensuring she has restful sleep all through her childhood years.

Other ways to keep baby warm

Blankets, swaddling and a humidifier are some of your best options for keeping your newborn warm. If you live in a particularly cool environment, use a humidifier to ensure they’re breathing air with enough moisture in it. Also, be sure to keep blankets clean – babies can pick up germs that cause hand mouth, and foot disease from fabrics that aren’t kept clean. Swaddling baby at night will help keep them calm (and awake less often). Be sure to keep the thermostat between 68 and 72 degrees so that the baby can sleep comfortably without overheating.

Health Risks That Go Away With Age

According to research conducted by Harvard Medical School, infants who sleep on their backs are less likely to die from SIDS if they’re placed on a firm mattress and aren’t covered with extra bedding (including blankets). The risk of SIDS decreases after six months so as baby gets older, she’ll be able to stay warm at night with just one light blanket. When it comes time for an adult-size mattress, both babies and parents will rest easy knowing that their child sleeps safely every night under their own firm bedding.

If you’re not sure which blanket to use, it can be helpful to have a few on hand. We recommend having at least one thin swaddle blanket and one baby sleep sack in your baby’s wardrobe (you might also want to add a couple of each just in case). Baby Tula makes baby blankets for swaddling that are great for when you need something light that will help keep your little one warm. And if you’re worried about overheating, opt for a breathable cotton material like muslin instead of an extra-thick fleece or wool material.

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