
What Can a Neurologist do for Concussion Treatment?

A concussion temporarily harms the nerves and blood vessels in the brain to cause chemical changes that result in a temporary loss of normal brain function. Doctors describe it as a psychiatric condition characterized by immediate and temporary alteration of brain function, including alteration of the mental state and consciousness resulting from force or trauma to the head.

Causes of Concussions

Concussions may be a result of direct harm to the cerebrum – due to falling, hitting, or having an accident. They can also occur because of rapid acceleration and deceleration of the head, which usually happens in whiplash wounds or impact wounds in a war zone. Numerous individuals accept that concussions involve dropping or losing control, but that is false. In specific cases, an individual with a concussion will never pass out. In a couple of cases, outward side effects of head injury, for example, bleeding might be missing.

A concussion can influence memory, judgment, reflexes, learning, balance, and muscle coordination. Individuals with concussions regularly report a short time of amnesia or disillusionment, where they can’t recall what happened preceding or after the injury. They may act confused, bewildered, or depict ‘seeing stars’. Doctors who presume an individual has endured a concussion may ask basic questions about name, age, place, and what the patient remembers of the time of the injury.

Symptoms of Concussions

Even gentle concussions should not be messed with. Neurologists of Arizona stress that although a few concussions are less serious than others, concussions should never be taken lightly. Most of the time, a single concussion may not cause long-term harm.

Common concussion symptoms are-

  • Confusion
  • Headaches
  • Disturbance in vision (double or blurred vision)
  • Dizziness or imbalance
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of memory
  • Ringing of ears
  • Difficulty to focus
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Sleep problems

If you notice these symptoms after trauma to the head, contact your doctor immediately.

When Should You Visit a Neurologist?

Most people can heal easily and fully after a concussion. Some people will have symptoms that last for a few weeks before they eventually get better.

Look for urgent medical attention if:

  • Headache is worse or is not getting better
  • Slurred voice, fatigue, numbness, or reduced coordination
  • Severe nausea or frequent vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Loss of awareness
  • Inability to wake up
  • Symptoms have grown worse
  • Symptoms did not go away after 10-14 days


Your primary care physician will assess your symptoms and manifestations, audit your medical history, and lead a neurological assessment. Symptoms and signs of a concussion may not show up until hours or days after the injury.

Your primary care physician may perform or suggest a neurological assessment, cognitive testing, and imaging tests.

Neurological assessment 

After your primary care physician inquires about your injury, you will have to undertake a neurological assessment for checking your:

  1. Vision
  2. Hearing
  3. Sensation
  4. Balance
  5. Coordination
  6. Reflexes

Psychological testing 

Your doctor may direct a few tests to assess your reasoning (intellectual) abilities during a neurological assessment. Testing may assess a few elements, including your:

  1. Memory
  2. Focus
  3. Capacity to recall data

Imaging tests 

Mind imaging might be suggested for certain individuals with signs and side effects, for example, serious migraines, seizures, acute vomiting, or symptoms that are getting worse over time. Cerebrum imaging may decide if the injury is serious and has caused bleeding or swelling in the skull.

A cranial computerized tomography (CT) examination is the standard test for adults to evaluate their brain just after an injury. A CT scan utilizes a progression of X-rays to acquire cross-sectional pictures of your skull and cerebrum.

For youngsters with a suspected concussion, CT scans are done if specific criteria are met, for example, the sort of injury or signs of a skull fracture. This is to keep children away from the radiation.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) might be conducted to recognize changes in your brain or to analyze complications that may happen after a concussion.

An MRI uses magnets and radio waves to deliver point-by-point pictures of your cerebrum.


You may be hospitalized for a short while to be kept under observation after a concussion.

If your doctor agrees to send you home, have somebody drive you back. Remember that symptoms can last for another 24 hours.


Symptoms of concussions treatment can be different in nature and degree for different people. Historically, the conventional treatment for concussion was to get a good amount of rest. However, newer approaches include tailored treatment for particular symptoms. There are clinics that help assess the most prevalent symptom and deliver appropriate symptomology treatments. In addition, a comprehensive medical evaluation may be necessary before returning to sports or activities with a potential for contact or future injury.


Follow your doctor’s instructions to minimize sports, physical education courses, and practices such as running and cycling while you’re recovering. You should also restrict the tasks that enable you to focus a lot. This involves taking exams while you are at school or performing work activities that require a high degree of concentration. You may still need to take some rest breaks during the day. You will be able to go back to your usual activities as your symptoms go away. AZNS houses a team of neurologists in Arizona that are adept at treating concussions.

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