Gift Kid Parenting9 Last-Minute Baby Gifts for the Indecisive AuntShoremom8 March 201630 June 2020 by Shoremom8 March 201630 June 20200281 If you’re like me once and you’re clueless about anything baby-related then you probably dread the day when the baby will come and you have
Family-Life ParentingTop 5 Ideas to Choose Stylish Bunk Beds for Your Kid’s RoomShoremom6 January 201630 June 2020 by Shoremom6 January 201630 June 20200282 In this growing world, every mom are very serious about their kid’s growth therefor, they are giving best facilities to them. Here I am trying
Featured Lifestyle ParentingSave Your Sanity on School MorningsShoremom10 September 2012 by Shoremom10 September 20120300 I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s saves my sanity on school mornings. It’s cheap and easy to use. And it
Family-Life Lifestyle ParentingBack-to-School with #CookiesKidsShoremom27 August 2012 by Shoremom27 August 20120280 As a kid, my favorite part of “Back to School season” was the hours of shopping my mom would allow my sisters and I to